started off with the large parachute, this way many people would be involved in
the activities. Some of the parachutes games that were played were:
-Switcheroos (parachute is lifted up, a color is called, if
the student is holding that color they run under the chute and find a nother
spot to hold before the parachute falls.)
- Merry go round- ( Various locomotor skills are being
performed while traveling in different directions with the parachute) We
performed, skipping, sliding, hopping, and walking to the right and left.
- Mushroom- the parachute is lifted up and then pulled down underneath
students bottoms so they are sealed inside. This is where information was
exchanged about each student. We asked questions to go around their circle like,
favorite color, favorite sport, favorite school activity, favorite animals.
- Soup- balls were being thrown into the middle of the
parachute and students were saying their favorite soup ingredients, then when
the soup was ready to boil over the balls were popped off the parachute!
- Popcorn- multiple balls are thrown on top of the parachute
while being shaken (similar to soup game), the objective was to lift the
parachute up and then snap it down to the ground and see the balls to flying way
up. One variation of this was to try and make a ball into the basketball hoop!
-Sharks and lifeguard- A game where we sat with our feet
under the parachute. Some students were assigned roles as sharks (taggers) and
lifeguards (savers). If tagged we were “dragged” under and became a shark and
got to tag others! The students love being underneath the parachute.
This is when most students left to do other activities so
the big parachute was put away and the medium one was brought out for those
still wanting to play.
Trap the mouse- a student was chosen to be the
mouse and crawled under the parachute while being shaken. The parachute was
then lifted up and brought down “trapping” the mouse inside.
Don’t let in the lion- a student was assigned
the role as a lion and the other parachute participates were mice. The parachute
was lifted up and brought down underneath the students bottoms leaving the lion
student out. The object of the game was to try and cover all the spots so that
the lion couldn’t get in the cave to the mice!
When the parachutes were put away, tag games filled up the
rest of the day!
Line tag- participants could not leave the lines unless
tagged. Once tagged the student has to stand next to the line until someone
comes along to let them back on. There was some cunfision wit this game, some
students were hopping the liens while other only wanted to play without leaving
the line.
Mario tag- when
tagged the students had to say “mama mia!” and hold a peace sign to show they
were tagged so someone can let them back inot the game.
Crazy pose tag- this
went over really well, once the student was tagged they had to stand frozen in
a silly pose and hold it until someone set them free. There were some pretty
creative poses seen!
Blob tag- brought in more participants. A giant blob chain
is formed with the more people tagged. The students strategized by breaking the
blob apart to get more students tagged. Then when there was only a few students
left the blob came together creating one giant blob and circled around the
remaining students so there was so escape from being tagged!
Then it was time to wrap up the day. For spring the bumblebee
song was sang with the students. This was a silly song and had funny dance
moves for the students to join in with. Finally the last of our St. Mary’s
cheers was done. This is a great way to end a great experience at St. Mary’s I am
grateful or all that I have learned here and all of the wonderful students who helped
me learn to be a better teacher.
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