Some of the games on that Hall of Shame games for PE are some of my
favorite games. They are involvement games. Not everybody is fantastic at “this”
sport or “that” skill. Being involved in fun group games gets rid of that self-consciousness
of “how am I performing in front of my peers” anxiety. There is a criteria
for banning games because it embarrasses some students. Well taking away these
games do the same thing! Taking away games of fun and involvement that kids
enjoy playing, forces the kids to play other games that they lack interest in,
therefore lacking skill in, then boom! The kids STILL end up embarrassed in front
of their peers.
I say we keep the
classic games, if there is a problem fix it! It takes creativity and
imagination. All that needs to be done is a little modification. Who knows how
many times the game that is banned has been modified before to get to that
point! The focus in my class is having good safe fun. Its simple and classic.
Of course I would not involve a game that has safety hazards in it, but I would
include a game VERY similar if not the same with a few modern tweaks. If a ball
is too hard, make it a softer one, if the game has too many collisions, have
the children speed walk or focus on another skill, if the game has children get
out have them do something when out in order to get back in! Quick simple easy
alterations. I get it, one size does not fit all, but getting rid of it all
together.. now that’s a little extreme. Make the change, make the game, modofy, who knows ti could even turn out better than the original!
In order to physically educate
someone they have to have interest in it or else it is a lost cause. We can’t
force anybody to like something or to change their ways. We can only encourage
them that it is for the best. I believe that the games on the banned list definitely
have a way of encouragement. Group involvement is something special, especially
for those who do not fit in large groups well. It is an excellent excuse to
interact with others.
Some of these games are
gateway games! As in the skills learned from one of these banned games can be
transitioned and applied to other games and ever related to skills and sports.
Example: Dodge ball it is a way for students to work on their throwing,
catching, aim, agility, strategizing, team communication, and more! These
skills can be transitioned between many sports such as handball or baseball.
The ball might not be being throw “At” that person but its being thrown “TO”
that person. A criticism of this game was that people are targets and that lies
the problem. Well what’s the name of the game.. DODGE ball.. if you don’t want
to be a target.. MOVE!
Physical education/movement/skills... All of this can be
accomplished with fun. Students like to be creative, they like to be
destructive, it is a grey area definitely to satisfy everybody. But I think we
can continue good, safe, fun with a little creativity so that these games can
remain in action for fun for everyone!!